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Note: * denotes person who is or was a graduate or undergraduate student.

Boyd-Rogers*, C., Treat, T.A, Corbin, W.R., & Viken, R.J. (in press b). Social cognitive processes underlying normative misperception of sexual judgments. Archives of Sexual Behavior. (pdf)

Boyd-Rogers*, C., Treat, T.A, Corbin, W.R., & Viken, R.J. (in press a).  BDSM proclivity among college students.  Archives of Sexual Behavior. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Corbin, W.R., Papova*, A., Richner*, K., Craney, R., & Fromme, K. (2021). Selection and socialization effects related to fraternity membership and sexual aggression during college.  Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 35, 337-350. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Corbin, W.R., & Viken, R.J. (2021). Protective behavioral strategies for sexual aggression and risky sexual behavior.  Aggressive Behavior, 47, 284-295. (pdf)

Yeater, E.A., Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., & Bryan, A.D. (2020).  Risk processing and college women’s risk for sexual victimization.  Psychology of Violence, 10, 575–583.(pdf)

Miller*, J.E., Windschitl, P.D., Treat, T.A., & Scherer, A.M. (2020).  Comparisons as predictors of people’s beliefs about the importance of changing their health behaviors.  European Journal of Health Psychology, 27, 14-29. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., McMurray, B., Smith*, J.R., & Viken, R.J. (2020).  Tracking men’s perceptions of women’s sexual interest.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 29, 71-79. (pdf)

Miller*, J.E., Windschitl, P.D., Treat, T.A., & Scherer, A.M. (2019).  Unhealthy and unaware? Misjudging social comparative standing for health-relevant behavior.  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85, 2019. (pdf)

Rinehart*, J.K., Yeater, E.A., Treat, T.A., & Viken, R.J. (2018).  Cognitive processing underlying the self-other perspective in women’s judgments of victimization risk. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 35, 1381-1399. (pdf)

Rizk*, M.T., & Treat, T.A. (2018). The effects of caloric education, trial-by-trial feedback, and their interaction on college-aged women’s abilities to estimate caloric content.  Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 52, 606-612. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., & Viken, R.J. (2018).  Sexual-perception processes in acquaintance-targeted sexual aggression.  Aggressive Behavior, 44, 316-326. (pdf)

Smith*, J.R., Treat, T.A., Farmer, T.A., & McMurray, B. (2018).  Dynamic competition account of men’s perceptions of women’s sexual interest. Cognition, 174, 43-54. (pdf)

Yeater, E.A., Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., & Lenberg, K.L. (2018).  Sexual attitudes moderate the effects of alcohol intoxication on women’s risk judgments.  Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33, 228-249. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Church*, E.K., & Viken, R.J. (2017).Effects of gender, rape-supportive attitudes, and explicit instruction on perceptions of women’s momentary sexual interest.  Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 24, 979-986.(pdf)

Woodward*, H.E., Treat, T.A., Cameron, D.C., & Yegorova, V. (2017). Valenced and arousal-based affective evaluations of foods.Eating Behaviors,24, 26-33. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., Farris*, C.A., & Smith*, J.R. (2016). Enhancing the accuracy of men’s perceptions of women's sexual interest in the laboratory.  Psychology of Violence, 6, 562-572. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Hinkel*, H., Smith*, J.R., & Viken, R.J. (2016). Men's perceptions of women's sexual interest: Effects of environmental context, sexual attitudes, and women's characteristics.  Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 1:8. (pdf)

Corbin, W.R., Scott, C.J., & Treat, T.A. (2016).  Sociosexual attitudes, behavior, and alcohol use.  Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, 629-637. (pdf)

Woodward*, H. E., Cameron, D.C., & Treat, T. A. (2016). Enhancing the conceptualization and measurement of implicit and explicit affective evaluations: A case study in disordered eating.  Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 10, 252-264. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., & Summers, S. (2015). Contextual influences on men’s perceptions of women’s sexual interest.  Archives of Sexual Behavior, 44, 2256-2271. (pdf)

Rizk*, M.T., & Treat, T.A. (2015). Perceptions of food healthiness among free-living women.  Appetite, 95, 390-398. (pdf)

Morean*, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T.A. (2015).  Evaluating the accuracy of alcohol expectancies relative to subjective response to alcohol. Addictive Behaviors, 51, 197-203. (pdf)

Weierich*, M.R., & Treat, T.A. (2015). Mechanisms of visual threat detection in specific phobia. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 992-1006. (pdf)

Rizk*, M.T., & Treat, T.A. (2015).  Sensitivity to portion size of unhealthy foods.  Food Quality and Preference, 45, 121-131.  (pdf)

Woodward*, H., & Treat, T.A. (2015).  Binge eating concerns link to influences on self-evaluation.  Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34, 348-364. (pdf)

Morean*, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T. (2015). Differences in subjective response to alcohol by gender, family history, binge drinking, heavy episodic drinking, and cigarette use:  Refining and broadening the scope of measurement.  Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 287-95. (pdf)

Woodward*, H., & Treat, T.A. (2015).  Unhealthy how?:  Implicit and explicit affective evaluations of different types of unhealthy foods.  Eating Behaviors, 17, 27-32. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Farris, C.A., Viken, R.J., & Smith*, J.R. (2015).  Influence of sexually degrading music on men’s perceptions of women’s dating-relevant cues. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 135-141. (pdf)

McFall, R.M., Treat, T.A., & Simons, R.F. (2015).  Clinical science model. In (R. L. Cautin and S. O. Lillienfeld, Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. (pdf)

Bootzin, R.R., & Treat, T.A. (2015).  Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS).  In (R. L. Cautin and S. O. Lillienfeld, Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., & Bootzin, R.R. (2015).  McFall, Richard M. In (R. L. Cautin and S. O. Lillienfeld, Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. (pdf)

Farach*, F.J., Treat, T.A., & Jungé, J.A. (2014).  Effects of induced and naturalistic mood on the temporal allocation of attention to emotional information.  Cognition and Emotion, 28, 993-1011. (pdf)

Dirks*, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2014). Youth responses to peer provocation: Links to symptoms of anxiety and depression.  Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 36, 339-349. (pdf)

Rizk*, M.T., & Treat, T.A. (2014).  An indirect approach to the measurement of nutrient-specific perceptions of food healthiness.  Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 48, 17-25. (pdf)

Gearhardt*, A.N., Rizk*, M.T., and Treat, T.A. (2014).  The association of food characteristics and individual differences with ratings of craving and liking.  Appetite, 79, 166-173. (pdf)

Woodward*, H., Rizk*, M.T., Wang*, S.W., & Treat, T.A. (2014).  Disordered eating links to body-relevant and body-irrelevant influences on self-evaluation.  Eating Behaviors, 15, 205-208. (pdf)

Morean*, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T. (2013). The Subjective Effects of Alcohol Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation of a novel assessment tool for measuring subjective response to alcohol.Psychological Assessment, 25, 780-795. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., & Viken, R.J. (2012). Measuring test performance with signal detection theory techniques.  Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology.  Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (pdf).

Gearhardt*, A.N., Treat, T.A., Hollingworth, A., & Corbin, W.R. (2012) The relationship between eating-related individual differences and visual attention to foods high in added fat and sugar.   Eating Behaviors, 13, 371-374. (pdf).

Wisco*, B. E., Treat, T. A., & Hollingworth, A. (2012). Visual attention to emotion in depression: Facilitation and withdrawal processes. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 602-614. (pdf).

Morean*, M.E., Corbin, W.R., & Treat, T.A. (2012).  The Anticipated Effects of Alcohol Scale: Development and psychometric evaluation of a novel assessment tool for measuring alcohol expectancies.  Psychological Assessment, 24, 1008-1023. (pdf).

Treat, T.A., Viken, R.M., Kruschke, J.K. & McFall, R.M. (2011).  Men’s memory for women’s affective cues:  Normative findings and links to rape-supportive attitudes.  Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 802-810. (pdf).

Dirks*, M.A., Treat, T.A., & Weersing, V.R. (2011). The latent structure of youth responses to peer provocation. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment,33, 58-68. (pdf).

Teachman, B. A., & Treat, T.A.  (2011).  Reactions to the call to reboot psychotherapy research and practice:  Introduction to special section of comments on Kazdin and Blasé (2011).  Perspectives on Psychological Science, 6, 475-477. (pdf).

Dirks*, M. A., Treat, T. A., & Weersing, V. R. (2011). Social competence.  In R. J. Levesque (Ed), The Encyclopedia of Adolescence (pp. 2751-2759). New York, New York: Springer.

Treat, T.A., Kruschke, J.K., Viken, R.J., & McFall, R.M. (2011).  Application of associative-learning paradigms to clinically relevant individual differences in cognitive processing.  Associative learning and conditioning: Human and animal applications.  Oxford University Press. (pdf)

Dirks*, M.A., Treat, T.A., & Weersing, V.R. (2010). The judge-specificity of evaluations of youth social behavior: The case or peer provocation. Social Development.(pdf)

Farris*, C.A., Viken, R.J., & Treat, T.A. (2010).  Perceived association between diagnostic and non-diagnostic cues of women's sexual interest: General Recognition Theory predictors of risk for sexual coercion.  Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54, 184-195. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., Kruschke, J.K., & McFall, R.M. (2010). Role of attention, memory, and covariation-detection processes in clinically significant eating-disorder symptoms. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 54, 184-195. (pdf)

Yeater, E., Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., & McFall, R.M. (2010). Cognitive processes underlying women’s risk judgments: Associations with sexual victimization history and rape myth acceptance. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78, 375-386. (pdf)

Farris*, C.A., Treat, T.A., & Viken, R.J. (2010).  Alcohol alters men’s perceptual and decisional processing of women’s sexual interest. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 119, 427-432. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., & Viken, R.J. (2010).  Cognitive processing of weight and emotional information in disordered eating.  Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 81-85.  (pdf)

Weierich*, M.R., Treat, T.A., & Hollingworth, A.H. (2008).  Theories and measurement of visual attentional processing in anxiety.   Cognition and Emotion, 22, 985-1018. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., McCabe*, E.B., Gaskill, J.A., & Marcus, M.D. (2008).  Treatment of anorexia nervosa in a specialty care continuum.  International Journal of Eating Disorders. (pdf)

Wang*, S.W., Treat, T.A., & Brownell, K.D. (2008).  Cognitive processing in the classroom:  Teachers’ attention to and utilization of girls’ body size, ethnicity, attractiveness, and facial affect in classroom contexts.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 473-489. (pdf)

Farris*, C.A., Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., & McFall, R.M. (2008b).  Gender differences in perception of women’s sexual intent.  Psychological Science, 19, 348-354. (pdf)

Turk-Browne*, N.B., Isola, P.J., Scholl, B.J., & Treat, T.A. (2008).  Multidimensional visual statistical learning.  Journal of Experimental Psychology:  Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34, 399-407. (pdf)

Farris*, C.A., Treat, T.A., Viken, R.J., & McFall, R.M. (2008a). Sexual coercion and the misperception of sexual intent.  Clinical Psychology Review, 28, 48-66. (pdf)

Perepletchikova*, F., Treat, T.A., & Kazdin, A.E. (2007). Treatment integrity in treatment-outcome research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 75, 829-841. (pdf)

Dirks*, M.A., Treat, T.A., & Weersing, V.R. (2007b).  The situation-specificity of youth responses to provocation by peers. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 36, 621-628. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Bootzin, R.R., & Baker, T.B. (Eds.) (2007). Psychological clinical science: Papers in honor of Richard McFall. new York: Taylor & Francis Group. (amazon)

Treat, T.A., & Dirks*, M.A. (2007).  Bridging clinical and cognitive science.  In T.A. Treat, R.R. Bootzin, and T.B. Baker (Eds), Psychological clinical science: Papers in honor of Richard McFall. New York: Taylor & Francis Group. (pdf)

Dirks*, M.A., Treat, T.A., & Weersing, V.R. (2007a).  Integrating theoretical, measurement, and intervention models of youth social competence.Clinical Psychology Review, 27, 327-347. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., McFall, R.M., Viken, R.J., Kruschke, J.K., Nosofsky, R.M., & Wang*, S.S. (2007). Clinical-cognitive science: Applying quantitative models of cognitive processing to examination of cognitive aspects of psychopathology. In R.W.J. Neufeld (Ed.), Advances in clinical-cognitive science: Formal modeling and assessment of processes and symptoms (pp. 179-205).  Washington DC: APA Books. (pdf)

Farris*, C.A., Viken, R.J., Treat, T.A., & McFall, R.M. (2006). Heterosocial perceptual organization:  A choice model application to sexual coercion. Psychological Science, 17, 869-875. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., Gaskill, J.A., McCabe*, E.B., Ghinassi, F.A. , Luczak, A.D., & Marcus, M.D (2005).  Short-term outcome of psychiatric inpatients with anorexia nervosa in the current care environment.  International Journal of Eating Disorders, 38, 123-133. (pdf)

Viken, R.J., Treat, T.A., Bloom, S. L. & McFall, R.M. (2005).  Illusory correlation for body type and happiness: Covariation bias and its relationship to eating disorder symptoms.  International Journal of Eating Disorders, 38, 65-72. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., & Weersing, V.R. (2005). Use of statistics in clinical psychology. In Encyclopedia of statistics in behavioral science, (vol.1, pp. 290-301). Chichester, England: Wiley. (pdf)

Lease, A.M., McFall, R. M., Treat, T. A., & Viken, R. J. (2003).  Assessing children’s representations of their peer group using a multidimensional scaling technique.  Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 20, 707-728. (pdf)

Viken, R.J., Treat, T.A., Nosfosky, R.M., McFall, R.M., & Palmeri, T. (2002).  Modeling individual differences in perceptual and attentional processes related to bulimic symptoms.  Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111, 598-609. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., McFall, R.M., Viken, R.J., Nosfosky, R.M., MacKay, D.B., & Kruschke, J.K. (2002). Assessing clinically relevant perceptual organization with multidimensional scaling techniques. Psychological Assessment, 14, 239-252. (pdf)

Treat, T.A., McFall, R.M., Viken, R.J., & Kruschke, J.K. (2001). Using cognitive science methods to assess the role of social information processing in sexually coercive behavior.  Psychological Assessment, 13, 549-565. (pdf)

Stuart, G.L., Treat, T.A., & Wade, W.A. (2000).  Effectiveness of an empirically supported treatment for panic disorder delivered in a service clinic setting:  One-year follow-up. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 506-512. (pdf)

McFall, R. M., Eason, B. J., Edmondson, C. B., & Treat, T. A. (1999).  Social competence and eating disorders:  Development and validation of the anorexia and bulimia problem inventory.  Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 21, 365-394. (pdf)

McFall, R. M., & Treat, T. A. (1999).  Quantifying the information value of clinical assessments with signal detection theory.  Annual Review of Psychology, 50, 215-241. (pdf)

McFall, R. M., Treat, T. A., & Viken, R. J. (1998).  Contemporary cognitive approaches to studying clinical problems.  In D. K. Routh & R. J. DeRubeis (Eds.), The science of clinical psychology: Accomplishments and future directions (pp. 163-197).  Washington, DC:  American Psychological Association.

Wade, W.A., Treat, T.A., & Stuart, G.L.  (1998).  Exporting an empirically validated treatment of panic disorder to a naturalistic community setting:  A benchmarking strategy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66, 231-239. (pdf)

McFall, R. M., Treat, T. A., & Viken, R. J. (1997).  Contributions of cognitive theory to new behavioral treatments.  Psychological Science, 8, 174-176. (pdf)